Blueberry Salad Dressing?! YES PLEASE. Tis the season for BERRIES. Here are two of my favorite berry-licious salad dressings to amp up the flavor & nutrition this Spring!

Yes, today is the last day of WINTER - Bye Felica!
So I’m sharing my 2 FAVORITE, easy, vegan, delicious, and healthy salad dressing recipes for SPRING.
Some of my clients take dressing a salad TOO far! Salad is meant to be a healthy meal, not covered in calorie-filled dressing.
Check out my FAVE salad dressing sprayer with a “no clog” filter that removes all the little bits of stuff without removing flavor!
Also, I CANNOT find a pre-packaged salad dressing without SOY! WT*?? So I had to create my own! Enjoy 🙂
Blueberry Balsamic Chia Dressing –
1/2 cup avocado oil
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup organic white vinegar
Juice from 1 clementine (tangerine or orange works too!) + 1 tsp lemon juice
1/3 cup organic blueberries - IN SEASON
1 tablespoon ground organic chia
1 teaspoon pink sea salt
1 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper
1/2 teaspoon of each: ground cloves, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, local honey
*Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Store in fridge for a week.
Creamy Strawberry & Herbs Dressing
1 cup avocado oil
1 cup apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons organic white vinegar
Juice of 1 large lemon
2 tablespoons herbs de provence
1 tablespoon organic mustard
4 large strawberries
1 teaspoon of each: turmeric, sea salt, ground pepper, fennel seed
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/2 teaspoon local honey
*Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Store in fridge for a week.
These recipes use ingredients that aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, stimulate your immune system, have antibacterial properties, are packed with omegas & antioxidants, and WOW your tastebuds.
To boost your knowledge on how to make healthy/healing food taste GREAT, follow Small Hinges on INSTAGRAM.
Love & yum,
Lindsay O’Neill