A quick and easy (and delicious) recipe using local ingredients...
If you love shellfish, and want a quick, easy and delicious protein to pair with salad or veggies, check this out!
What you'll need:
4 - 6 scallops (local fish mongerer)
Handful fresh sage
2 Tbsp organic salted butter
Himalayan salt & pepper to taste
Let's get cookin':
In a pan, heat butter over medium heat and add sage.
Remove the muscle on the scallop, rinse and pat dry.
Sprinkle scallops with salt & pepper.
Remove sage from butter, increase heat of pan to medium/high and place scallops in butter on pan.
Cook until seared on both sides.
Enjoy with your favorite side or salad!
Love & yum,
the food is good i do like it keep it up