Are you tired of constantly feeling bloated and sluggish, and dealing with unexplained health issues like weight gain, low libido and skin
and hair problems?
Say goodbye to painful elimination diets and costly meal planning, and take our patented
Food Inflammation Test instead!
Every BODY is different, and requires
bio-individual nutrition to avoid disease causing chronic inflammation.
So why guess when you can test?
You don’t have to change EVERYTHING to
change everything.
Small hinges swing the big door of positive change.
Not sure if inflammation is sabotaging your health?
After years of struggling with pain, bloating, digestive issues, stress, anxiety, and fatigue I learned that inflammation was at the root of my health issues.
I almost gave up on my health after years of trying elimination and anti-inflammatory diets, and working with several doctors to manage my inflammation. It was just too expensive and complicated, and I kept thinking...
Using my expertise in data and Ai for programmatic technology, I created the small hinges method: data-driven, personalized health solutions that are sustainable LONG TERM.
I healed my inflammation, by removing MY key inflammatory triggers and making small changes to my diet & lifestyle.
Small hinges swing big doors after all!

What I specialize in
When you identify your bioindividual inflammatory food triggers and begin to eradicate them, as well as address other inflammatory lifestyle factors, you’re likely to alleviate all symptoms of chronic inflammation which include:

Weight gain
Inflammation contributes to insulin resistance, which leads to elevated glucose levels, liver fat accumulation, and weight gain.

Chronic pain
Chronic inflammation can damage cells and cause swelling of tissues that press up on nearby nerve endings resulting in pain.
Fatigue & brain fog
Inflammation causes an ongoing immune response, which is energetically extensive and leaves your body and brain feeling drained.

Stress & anxiety
Inflammation results in oxidative stress which sends distress signals to the brain resulting in experienced stress and anxiety.

Chronic bloating may be caused by inflammation of the stomach, food sensitivities, or a damaged intestinal barrier.

Cytokines, the compund released during an inflammatory response, have been shown to interfere with sleep duration and depth, as well as cause wakefulness.